Black Pyramid

From wild, swirling guitar solos, to belching, gut-dragging downtuned riffs

Few albums have been lauded as much as Black Pyramid’s return to the scene with The Paths of Time Are Vast, and rightfully so.

Being one of the absolute mammoths of their genre, these doomed wizards from Massachusetts manage to come back after 10 years from their last release to drop what was arguably one of 2024’s standouts, and the best Doom record of the year.

From wild, swirling guitar solos, to belching, gut-dragging downtuned riffs, Black Pyramid is a perfect blend of the absolute chugged driving force of the guitar and bass to the meaty, dense drums.

And as for the vocals, none has put my thoughts to words as good as PsychicChris on Sputnik Music: “The perfect meeting point of Matt Pike gruff and Al Cisneros mysticism”.

Dark dimensions and celestial pathways carved in the carcasses of the stars, we’re here to taste the vastness of time and space, and at Desertfest Oslo, time is gonna stay still for their set, and we’ll watch on like we’re witnessing the solar eclipse on this earth.
